Category: healing

  • You don’t need the crystals, about finding wellness in nature

    You don’t need the crystals, about finding wellness in nature

    Stones are a part of the earth, with an animistic view they are also alive, just as the trees, birds and all else living material. Did you ever watch Indiana Jones? As a kid I was fascinated with his adventures, there is one called “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” I really… Read more

  • The value of thoughts versus feelings

    The value of thoughts versus feelings

    I’m listening to a good audiobook of Björn Natthiko Lindeblad in Swedish “Jag kan ha fel” which means “I may be wrong”*. He reminds me of some learnings I’ve had along my own path, and a basic one is to start giving heart more value in contrast to Western society giving mind more value. He… Read more

  • Finding wellness and mindset through trauma

    Finding wellness and mindset through trauma
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    Can you become stronger after trauma? Definitely. Does it pain some people for years? I have seen many posts where people don’t deal with their pain due to lack of knowledge, and live with it. Can it be transformed? Yes, it can. So, why don’t we? It takes a lot of courage to admit having… Read more

  • Using light in photography

    Using light in photography
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    Paint with light, learn how to make very bright pictures, so-called overexposure, and learn how to make dark pictures, so called underexposure. To do this purposefully can be fun and also let you use photography in a creative way to express something in your heart and on your mind. What message does a light picture… Read more

  • Wellness with connection and how to bridge the gaps

    Wellness with connection and how to bridge the gaps
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    – With Body, mind and soul. Part 1 We are beings having a spiritual experience or rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience… however we word it… and connecting is such an important thing. It’s not only about having people around you, it’s also how we connect, the quality of the experience and… Read more

  • Depression and finding one of ways out

    Depression and finding one of ways out
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    We sometimes say that depression has to do with being stuck in the past and that anxiety is being lost in the future, when we need to be in the now, mostly. How is this helpful? And of course, it’s not the whole truth, but you need to start somewhere. Limiting beliefs can hold us,… Read more

  • The water elemental

    The water elemental
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    What is your thought on elementals? They personify our elements – water, fire, earth and wind (air). The water is associated with Undines, spirit helpers that help to heal the soul and understand our feelings and emotions. They also help us to develop our spiritual abilities. Are you aware of the wonderful book of water… Read more

  • How to heal after trauma

    How to heal after trauma
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    – Different ways to heal No one ever said it was going to only be easy. We may have flow in our life, and then suddenly out of nowhere we end up in negative patterns reoccurring. Trauma calls for release. Sometimes it’s hard to open up because we’re not always brought up with connectedness and… Read more

  • Dream clues and interpretation

    Dream clues and interpretation

    Dreams tell stories, they can tell different stories of you, your environment, things on your mind, what you are working on solving, where you currently are in life and more. Dreams can be raw and therefore uncensored of our feelings of how things should be, how we think they are and more. If you have… Read more

  • The magic with aperture and focus (Premium)

    The magic with aperture and focus (Premium)
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    So, I mentioned I was going to chime in a little with teachings in photography, since I want to weave in this part, for those of you that are interested, and show how it can be of help in a healing process. I have both studied photography and worked some with photography, as well as… Read more