You don’t need the crystals, about finding wellness in nature
Stones are a part of the earth, with an animistic view they are also alive, just as the trees, birds and all else living materia. Did you ever watch Indiana Jones? As a kid I was fascinated with his adventures, there is one called “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.” I really…
The power of prayer – being yourself, faith and persistence
I believe that saying a prayer and it’s effects is something that is easily overlocked when you don’t believe in Spirit, a higher power or what you want to call it. And even if you do pray, you may not believe it has much effect. Since you found your way here, perhaps you want to…
Inspiration for leaving the old and taking steps towards the new
– find the ripples Sometimes we may feel the need for change, or that it’s time for something new! It can be to learn a new skill, study something or start a hobby. What you focus on, is where your energy is going. What do you need to make the changes you long for? Finding…
Make your dream happen by simplifying
It’s not always so easy to get to where we want to go, Spirit should know this… At times, I contemplate on the similarities and differences between Spiritual ways and ways of business. Ways of Spirit are understanding one owns path. How to be friendly and kind to people around you. In contrast to business…
Love for coffee – daily wellness routines
Find wellness in even the small things. Partially about habits.
Different ways to find wellness
Depending on what you are searching for, there are different ways to find more wellbeing. It’s out there for everyone, but one thing that is difficult is change. It’s said that it takes about 60 days to change a habit, and while this is true, there are still things you can start with sooner. You…
How to catch your dreams in part
We don’t always know how things want to happen or when, but they can happen anyway. What do I mean with this? Some people like to make some kind of art board with goals and wants on how they want their life to be in order to easier manifest more of what they want in…
The value of thoughts versus feelings
I’m listening to a good audiobook of Björn Natthiko Lindeblad in Swedish “Jag kan ha fel” which means “I may be wrong”*. He reminds me of some learnings I’ve had along my own path, and a basic one is to start giving heart more value in contrast to Western society giving mind more value. He…
Finding wellness and mindset through trauma
Can you become stronger after trauma? Definitely. Does it pain some people for years? I have seen many posts where people don’t deal with their pain due to lack of knowledge, and live with it. Can it be transformed? Yes, it can. So, why don’t we? It takes a lot of courage to admit having…
Using light in photography
Paint with light, learn how to make very bright pictures, so-called overexposure, and learn how to make dark pictures, so called underexposure. To do this purposefully can be fun and also let you use photography in a creative way to express something in your heart and on your mind. What message does a light picture…