Category: heart
The value of thoughts versus feelings
I’m listening to a good audiobook of Björn Natthiko Lindeblad in Swedish “Jag kan ha fel” which means “I may be wrong”*. He reminds me of some learnings I’ve had along my own path, and a basic one is to start giving heart more value in contrast to Western society giving mind more value. He… Read more
How to heal after trauma
– Different ways to heal No one ever said it was going to only be easy. We may have flow in our life, and then suddenly out of nowhere we end up in negative patterns reoccurring. Trauma calls for release. Sometimes it’s hard to open up because we’re not always brought up with connectedness and… Read more
Keys to life and heart
So.. there is a key to happiness, there are keys to life, discoveries, ancient ways and paths. Heart is central and thought upon differently in different cultures and ways of life. In some parts it is merely forgotten.. and we mostly use our thinking, yes the brain, as a way of life, but that also… Read more