Depression and finding one of ways out

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We sometimes say that depression has to do with being stuck in the past and that anxiety is being lost in the future, when we need to be in the now, mostly. How is this helpful? And of course, it’s not the whole truth, but you need to start somewhere. Limiting beliefs can hold us, and also on the other hand, where we think we ought to be. One of the best sayings is “It’s perfectly how it is supposed to be”. It’s not lost, if it’s supposed to be it will happen again, or find a new way. Something better is waiting…

Yesterday is the past
Tomorrow is the future
Today is the Present

Sometimes we need someone else to point out a road ahead of us that we are not seeing for ourselves, due to lack of experience, trouble handling emotions due to trauma or other. Why do you think laughter is so highly cherished by many? We need to be able to laugh about things, may it be others, things going on around us, with us or about ourselves. Laughter can be healing too. Things get less weight. “Sharing is caring”, The saying in Swedish “Delad gläde är dubbel glädje, delad sorg är halv sorg” means that shared happiness is double happiness, and that shared sorrow is half sorrow. It does have meaning to it. Not taking away what is, but learning to see things in more nuances and angles is part of the way out of the labyrinth. Finding things to be happy about as well, and learning things about what gives and takes our energy. That’s at least a few of the things I feel like mentioning today.

There is sunshine after rain

This is from my personal experience, I am not a psychologist.

P.s. I choose a blue flower purposely here. The color, or something, is not always what we expect it to be, as it can be even better!

P.s. Grief is another complex issue, but waiting with that for another day, and the different stages it has.