Food and wellness – research, Ayurveda and more

There is a lot of research going on in the food industry, I currently see many articles about the need of eating less processed foods. Another trend I see is talk about contamination in foods, such as plastic parts contaminating food and therefore the priority of food kept in other kind of containers.

Other subjects are about mental wellness, spirituality, and the benefits of eating more local food for the environment. Trading agreements between countries affect where resources are obtained from. Production costs may be cheaper in other countries, but transport also needs to be put into consideration.

In this place I will dive into things I read about food such as – nutrition, contamination, wellness, the need of variation of food and the meaning of food colours. This is both about food colours, but also just the colour of the food in itself.

I will also dip my toes into Ayurveda, an alternative medicine where herbal medicine is used. Yoga and meditation are an integral part too. This is an old way with roots in India with different recommendations depending on body type. They are called doshas – vata, kapha and pitta. Vata is airy, kapha grounded, and pitta has to do with fire.

If you want to get ahead, here is a book where you can start learning about Ayurveda at Amazon: Otherwise, just stay tuned for more!

flatlay of assorted nutritious food
Photo by Vanessa Loring on