In need of Reiki?

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Reiki as part of the healing process

The path of healing and wellness
I have recently taken the first and second course in Usui reiki. Being able to give healing, I already did a bit some fifteen years back, but that was much different. My style back then.

I keep doing the healing for myself and this usui reiki, I find it to be warm, healing and nice. The energy goes where it needs to be. Healing brings much comfort, but also occasionaly may bring up issues that are close to the surface and in need of healing. The path of healing in a greater perspective includes parts such as facing fears, sharing and letting go. To become full we need to embrace all of ourselves, and be able to stand up for ourselves.

Reiki Benefits:
– balances energies in the body
– strengthens immune systems
– reduces stress
– reduces anxiety or depression
(one worries more about the past and the other about the future)
– pain releif
– accelerates self-healing
– relieves fatigue

… the list can be made longer, much longer.

Reiki principles:
Just for today…..

I will not be angry
I will not worry
I will be grateful
I will do my work honestly
I will be kind to every living thing

I have so much more to share, but this is what I have for today..
Has any questions arisen?
Let me know..
Thus let the journey begin!

Healing in person or by distance
When starting to share the healing back, I will first offer this by distance in the start, and by donation. You will need to find a place and time where you can relax for a bit when I am sending. Offering by donation is an energy exchange and therefore good if there is balance in the exchange as in all else in life.

Interested? Get in touch. I can send you the link to the homepage, if you wish to read more at first.

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