– With Body, mind and soul. Part 1
We are beings having a spiritual experience or rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience… however we word it… and connecting is such an important thing. It’s not only about having people around you, it’s also how we connect, the quality of the experience and being able to be ourselves. Having a calling to heal people, to help, to service… also means letting the person in front of us be themselves. If they can’t, then what is needing healing may not surface. Being raised in Western society where many people are confused about feelings versus the intellectual side… learning the lessons of the heart adds warmth, value and meaning. For those of us that also get trials and learn the spiritual way, perhaps to be a spiritual warrior or just to understand that there are laws of the universe such as Karma, may be enlightening. Learning the lessons ads depth, meaning, understanding… and if you are called on a shamanic path you start to swim where others drown. Being in the World of both western society that is result-driven and people forget the importance of keeping their words, and also the Spiritual where, well, there is for example “sight” that you learn.. you learn what has meaning regardless of money. I have a family where several are investors, but somehow myself was choosen for this other path, or maybe there will be both… so I hope I will be able to lessen the gap, create some more of understandings that would benefit one or other side, both, create bridges. What sides? There is the Western mindset, and there is an Eastern mindset (for example, you have the tale of the Eagle and the Condor, a Native American Story). There comes this time when we will need to understand each other more to be able. to create peace.
I partly deviated from my subject again.. I was going to talk more to you on connections, but this needed to be said.
Take care, Namaste and all. ✨
Picture credit: RitaE on PixaBay